Semester Check In for Dental Hygiene Students


So, we’re a few weeks into this Fall semester, depending on when you started school. We’re starting Week 5 today, which is weird. We are also having a spike in COVID-19 numbers right now, mainly because we have 2 major collages within miles of each other with thousands of students living in apartments with roommates, going to school, and heading off to work and parties. We keep hearing of potential changes at the university level, as well as in public schools and even just the way we live. So, to say that everyone is a bit stressed right now is a little bit of an understatement.


So, instead of starting your class announcement or email with the generic greeting or go straight into the tasks of the week, it may be time to change it up to show how much you care. Genuinely ask how your student is doing and how their family is doing. Listen to what they have to say and empathize if they’re having a difficult time right now.


Let us know how it goes! We’d love to see how your students respond.


Dental Hygiene Edge-ucators Podcast


To The Dental Hygiene Educators