To The Dental Hygiene Educators


Dear Dental Hygiene Educators:

This is it! Class is starting, new scaler packages are being opening, and a new class of bright eyed, and a little bit overwhelmed, students are back in our classrooms, either in person or virtual. This is definitely the start to a weird time, and a new way of thinking about things when it comes to how we work and how we teach. We’re excited for this new time and to get through this semester with you! Here is a bit of advice from us:

1. It is so normal to feel like a 1st semester teacher. Everything is new. Everything is different. But that doesn’t mean you can’t handle it. We aren’t going to lie- it’s hard and at times no fun. But just like that 1st year of teaching, you get through it, learn, and look back at it with fond memories. 

2. It’s ok to ask for help. Make sure you’re part of our Dental Hygiene Educators Connect group on Facebook to reach out and connect with other educators going through the same thing. Dental hygiene is a totally different major than any other on campus- we only teach a class 1 time a year instead of each semester, we have huge end of the program finals (aka boards) to prep students for, and small classes of students that are high preforming. And, we may be coming into teaching without any formal teaching experience. It’s a lot! Let’s connect and share what’s working, what isn’t, and give ideas on how to improve our classrooms this Fall.

3. There will be technology hiccups this semester. It’s a guarantee! I had Zoom meetings with students today, and half couldn’t get into the Zoom link due to internet problems. All this technology is new to many of us, and be prepared for it to be not working at times. Don’t let that ruffle your feathers. Technology not working has nothing to do with you as a teacher, and everything to do with this crazy time.

4. Take time for yourself. Especially now that there is so much to do with teaching online, don’t take every second of your free time working on your class. Make sure you’re spending some time relaxing, going outside, and maybe grabbing a favorite drink or snack to make it through the week.

We’d love to know how you’re holding up right now! Let us know and we’ll work through all the things together.


Semester Check In for Dental Hygiene Students


Classroom Engagement Ideas for the 1st Day of School