Becoming The Best, OHE Hygiene Edge Becoming The Best, OHE Hygiene Edge

Oral Hygiene Education Week

We loved being able to talk to Hygienists at our Continuing Education course last week. We loved it so much, we wanted to share it every dental hygienist. For the next week, we'll be posting little tips and tricks to help your oral hygiene education practice in your offices. And to kick off the week, why not start with a giveaway? We'll be giving away 3 of the sample packs that were given away at the meeting!

Packet includes: 1 Orabrush, 1 package of Xyloburst mints, Xyloburst lollipops, Xyloburst gum samples, Closys sample package, and 1 Xyloburst oral rinse.

To enter, tell us in the comments below your favorite Oral Hygiene Education analogy you tell your patients, or your favorite product to recommend. 

Don't forget to check each day for new tips to improve your OHE!

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