Rubber Cup Polishing Tips with Ultradent

In the office I work at clinically, we run 4 chairs of hygiene during the week. A few weeks ago, one of the ops were having some hand piece/cord issues and for some reason, polishing wasn’t happening anymore. With the difficulties of having to switch out all the cording and figuring out next steps with the unit, the office decided to try a cordless handpiece instead. And honestly, having one in an office is a game changer! They are light, comfortable, have the power behind them like a corded hand piece, and there isn’t cord drag like a traditional hand piece. Now, having a cordless hand piece is definitely talked about throughout the office, and ends up in other ops when that room isn’t in use.

I’ve also used a cordless hand piece in a nontraditional setting while volunteering at nursing homes in Utah. This is so helpful when patients have limited mobility or can’t sit in a traditional dental chair and lean all the day back. It has a saver for both my neck and back, plus be able to perform the best care possible for these populations who need it the most. 

That’s why I was so excited when Ultradent released their own, just in time for National Dental Hygiene Month! The perfect addition to your operatory to celebrate the month. To learn more about helpful tips when it comes to polishing, check out our latest video:

I know you’re going to love a cordless hand piece in your practice! To learn more about the polisher and how to get your own, check out the Ultradent website.

xoxo, Melia, RDH


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