The TapKin A Bib Clip Free Patient Cover

As dental hygienists one of our biggest rolls is that of the infection control guru in the office. I would dare say that we are the most knowledgeable on this topic in the office. Being a dental assistant prior to becoming a dental hygienist, I can say that as dental assistant I lacked the knowledge of the importance of proper infection control. In dentistry we are always searching for ways to reduce cross contamination and at the same time increase efficiency. Check out our latest video below and learn all about the TapKin, a bib clip free patient cover, that allows you to #ditchthebibclip and reduce cross contamination.

We are giving away a box of TapKins on our Instagram @hygieneedge! Head over there to enter to win!

If you just want it now TapKin is offering a 5% off discount to all of our viewers, enter “EDGE” at checkout on the TapKin website. The discount code will be active until August 1st, 2019.


Contest rules can be found HERE.


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