New RDH Grad Advice


Congratulations to all the amazing new 2019 dental hygiene grads! As we all know, hygiene school is hard, fun, stressful, empowering, all the emotions wrapped up in a 2 year package. Graduating and passing boards exams are such a highlight of the entire experience. I’m not going to lie- I have some of the best memories of college in my last semester of dental hygiene school. Possibly because the lows are very low, but the highs are high?

And now- it’s over! Congrats again. But, now what? Transitioning from being a (more than) full time student to looking for the perfect office to call home can be tricky. We’ve asked dental hygienists from all over the country to give their advice. Here are some of our favorites:

“Take it one day at a time. Don’t let one bad day, one bad appointment, one bad set of radiographs sully your entire career”

“Stay at an office for at least 2 months before jumping ship-unless it’s a horrible situation”

“Be a member and stay active in your professional organization, the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. You never know who you will meet through the association, or where your career will take you. Having a backing as well to support the profession as you grow into it is also amazing.”

“Invest in yourself from day one. Buy your own loupes and saddle chair if you need to. Take time to stretch during the day. Taking care of yourself should be #1. Isn’t there a saying that you have to take care of yourself before you take care of other people?”

“Be a life long learner. Dentistry is a science, and it’s always changing and improving. Stay up on your CE credits and classes not because you have to for your license, but because you want what’s best for yourself and for your patients.”

What’s your advice for a new grad? Or the best piece of advice you received as a new graduate?


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