Dental Service

It’s that wonderful time of year to spread joy, love and to help those in need. This time of year always get me thinking about those that so desperately need the services that we provide, but can’t afford it. I have decided to make this post about a few suggestions that you can do to give back to those in need, whether it is during the holidays or a New Year's resolution of yours.

Serve in your own office

Ask your employer if donating services to someone in need. Within HIPPA guidelines, write about it on your office social media page or website.

Another option is doing a free dental service day for those in need.

Check locally to see if there is a community health clinic that you can serve at

An example of this is a community in Utah has set up Community Health Connect which acts as a liaison between professionals and patients in need. They go around and ask for dental/medical offices to provide services to 1-2 patients per year.

Look into a state level service to see if there is a clinic that helps those in need

Check with your local state dental and dental hygiene associations to see

Nationwide service is also an option. Even though we have the best healthcare available right here in America, there are so many that don’t have access to care.

One national organization is called Dental Lifeline. They run a national nonprofit organization that provides access to dental care and education for people who cannot afford it. You can click on your state and see how you can get involved.

Consider International Service

In school, I knew of a group going to Honduras called Smiles for Central America. I would have loved to go, but being a poor college student, it wasn’t the right time. So instead, I helped hold a drive to gather stuffed animals. At the time, their mission was to send every child home with dental care and a stuffed animal.

If something like this is not affordable, you can always look around for sponsors for your trip.

There are so many ways to get involved.  Whether big or small, our services are needed. Below are several other service resources I found that may also be an option for you.

ADA International Volunteers

Have you served with your dental hygiene expertise? Let us all know what you have done, how it went, and if you would recommend it to another dental hygienist.




Hygiene Spotlight-Jasmin Haley, RDH, BSDH, CDA, From Beyond The Prophy


Arestin Placement