2018 Dental Holiday Gift Guide

It’s hard to believe, but the minute it turned November, so did the holiday prep. And of course, the thought of getting gifts for a boss or manager lingers in the back of everyone’s mind. We want to help! A gift card is always appreciated, but this year, mix it up a bit with something new that they won’t forget. Here is a list of unique dental gifts for any dental professional in your life. Maybe yourself as well?

  1. Personalized Dental Clutch

    Did your office do Secret Santa this year? This tote is a cute option for anyone! You could fill it with the recipients favorite treats (or healthy snacks if they’re into that), or even a mascara or lip gloss or a favorite dental product (Cocofloss maybe?).

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2. Custom Socks

Is your dentist obsessed with their dog or kids? These custom socks can have any face put on them, with the color being customizable as well. This gift will definitely get some laughs at the company Christmas party. And if they’re a dentist, they are probably a bit practical, which socks is the perfect gift for someone that’s practical. You can also connect over them when they (hopefully) wear them to the office!


3. Dental Mug

If you’re into humor as a gift, why not a silly mug? Even if your boss is for or against the current political situation, they’ll love something funny that goes along with it. You could pair this mug with some hot chocolate mixes or a Starbucks gift card.


4. Dental School Alma Mater Wear

Check out your DDS’ diploma. Where did they spend 4 years of their life gaining their degree? Most dentists have fond memories of where they went to school, even if it was some of the hardest years of their lives. Head over to the school they went to online book store to order a sweatshirt, mug, keychain, etc.


5. Audible Membership

If they love to read, learn or have a long commute to get to the office, an Audible membership is the gift that keeps on giving! The price point is a bit higher, so going in as an entire office may be the best for this gift. Each month, they are able to download 1 book and get discounts on other books they may be interested it. I personally love my membership and listening to something new each month as I drive to work.

6. Give Service

Now, this may sound a little different, but so many people are hard to buy for. Why not do something a little different instead? Pool the money you were going to use for a gift, and give it to a local charity that your boss has an interest in. Or, use that money to purchase hygiene supplies and put together hygiene kits for the local women’s shelter. They could be put together during a lunch break or even your office party. With many hands helping, they don’t take too long to assemble. Check out JustServe.org for other volunteer opportunities in your area.

Happy gift giving! What does your office usually do for gifts?


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