CDT Code Updates 2015

Here at Hygiene Edge we thought you may be interested to find out some of the newest CDT code updates that are available out there for hygienists to use in our daily practice. I always recommend coding for the services you provide even if you don’t charge for them. 

D9931 Cleaning and Inspection of a Removable Appliance

            Have you ever had to clean a removable denture? Even after I have put the denture in the tartar cleaner and placed it in the ultrasonic for 15 minutes the calculus is usually still there.  If this is the case I will take my ultrasonic on a very low setting and scale off the remaining calculus (take the ultrasonic to the calc. only.) Now when I do this procedure I can add the proper code for the treatment completed. 

D1353 Sealant repair — Per Tooth

            Of course when my patients sit in the chair I am looking to see if the sealants that were placed at the last visit are preforming their duties properly. There have been a few times where I have found the need to give a little touch up. Now when I do this I have this code to utilize.

D4921- Gingival Irrigation

            This addition actually comes from the CDT 2014 updates. If you are putting an anti-microbial irrigation into pockets following root debridement you should use this code in your treatment plan. 

D1208- Fluoride (Excluding Varnish)

            If you are placing fluoride varnish use the code D1206 and if you are using any other type of fluoride application such as gels, foams, or swishes, then use D1208. 

While of course submitting a code to the dental insurance doesn’t mean you will get reimbursed, still code for the services you provide. This creates value to the patient as they look through their itemized walk out statement and they can see all of the services that were provided that day. 


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